Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why you should never trust a quiet toddler

Mommy was nursing Timmy and *thought* Connor was painting at his table. He was quiet...too quiet. Usually art engenders lots of internal monologue for Connor. So as I got up to check on him, he came running helter skelter into the living room, with Chocolate smeared all over his face. Oh nooooooo! Mommy, full of trepidation, ventured into the kitchen to find this:

And here's the culprit unapologetically grinning over the crime. Sigh. Never ever trust a quiet kid!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ah, the telltale chocolate-smeared face. Nyah's given herself away many times with that one, too. I'm wondering how much he was able to ingest before he got caught?

And I don't remember if I posted a comment to your Halloween philanthropist post, but I got such a kick out of it when I read it earlier this week - what a cute boy and future gentleman you've got there!