Friday, November 14, 2008

Connor's long overdue potty post and other misc

We decided on Sunday to just draw the line and say no more diapers for Connor. Whew. It was rough going for two days -- really, it was beaches of Normandy tough without all the fun shooting to enliven the experience -- but we seem to finally be getting it and relaxing. We've had one pee accident free day so far, and today despite some struggles, he consented to pee before he was dancing in agony and leaking. He's only initiated potty time twice so far with no prompting from mom and dad, but we're hoping that improves too. Poo is another story but I've got some ideas that might help...we're going to go to the store tomorrow and get a few books and a present that he only gets when he puts the poo in the potty. I'm really very proud of his progress, considering I was actually researching just how big diapers go on Sunday...I had a feeling he was going to be packing Huggies for college.

It's hard sometimes mothering a "challenging" child. In his case, he's just too damn smart for his own good, and when you combine that with a streak of stubborn six miles wide, mommy has some rough days as a result. I'm doing my best to see his qualities in the best light and laugh about the *occasionally* mind numbingly annoying things that go along with it.

For instance, he's extremely persistent and never forgets a damn thing. That can suck when he asks for the same thing seven million times without cessation -- at this moment he's dancing around in a circle singing about "cookies, cookies, I...want...cookies...peez!" Rather than get annoyed, I try to remember that that same spirit of persistence is what will make him a real success in life -- too many people give up at the slightest obstacle. Not my kid...if mommy says no to ice cream, well then, he'll grab a broom, wedge it in the freezer handle and then whack the interior of the freezer til ice cream falls out of it eventually. He's a magician at creative solutions and sticking with something once he's committed.

We've always been a touch worried about Connor's speech, but he's really had a verbal explosion lately and it's as I suspected -- there were always some fairly complex thoughts, feelings and emotions going on in that noggin of his. Some of it's a little scary...

When we had cake for his pee accident free day, I gave him a candle on it. He looked up at me and said, "I like fire. Where are you, fire?" I got the lighter down and he said, "Oh there you are fire, come to my party!" So he's a pyro, but he invited the fire to the party!

His favorite tee for the longest time was a ice blue polar bear one. I asked him yesterday if he wanted to wear it. "NO!!!" I was surprised, so rather than chastise him for yelling at me, I just asked why not. He thought for a bit and said, "Poop." Huh? "Bears poop. It's icky, icky!" Allllrighty. He's right, but the concept of bear turds never bothered him before. Maybe the potty training is pushed a little too hard? LOL

Connor does everything his own way. Everyone talks about the Why phase...Connor's is a "why not" phase. Mommy says no, then "why not?" until she feels like drilling a hole in her head just to see if the sensation is different.

Finally, Connor's the only kid in the history of the world that ASKS for shots. We went to the shot clinic to get Timmy's rotavirus vaccine on Wednesday and he jaunted in with me. He saw the candy jars and asked for "tandy." I said no, that candy was only for kids who got shots (we had decided to make his next week so as not to interfere with potty time and let daddy take him). He thought about it and pulled down his pants while saying, "Shot peez!" I just stared at him in disbelief, he got his shot and a lollipop and he walked out with a ten foot tall swagger. Needles are just fine in Connor's world, but don't you dare try to cut his hair!!

Wish we luck as we try to conquer the uphill poop battle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!! That kid is cracking me up :)