Monday, November 24, 2008

Charlie's home! With fun videos!

Charlie came home late late last night...Connor was so excited to see him he ended up having a 2 am party and had a hard time settling back to sleep. Charlie spent a few weeks down in Wyoming getting "Armyfied" -- learning how to clear rooms, shoot people, etc. Considering his enormous distaste for physical exertion and particularly dangerous exertion, he found some of the training enjoyable, like the shoot house. It's funny because there really is no conceivable reason he would ever be on a SWAT team type maneuver storming insurgent houses, but get to pretend you're a way bigger bad ass than you are in a no harm no foul situation. Well...almost. Charlie has got a couple impressive welts on his arm from the paint bullets. And the video below demonstrates the consequences of shooting unarmed civilians. No war crime tribunal, but pretty humiliating for this team that was made up of very senior enlisted people.

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