Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ummm, I don't want to be pregnant anymore

I know, I know...I've lectured many childbirth clients about the fact that the ninth month HAS to be uncomfortable, so you think that pushing a baby out of your bum is more attractive than staying pregnant. After all, if you went into labor when you felt as good as you do in the fifth and sixth month, there would be no motivation to go into labor!

Doesn't mean that I'm not doing a little external and a LOT of internal whining. I went to the midwife yesterday...we're now on weekly appointments...and it went well, but still you find yourself staring speculatively at her hoping that she can offer some magic bullet for hips hurting, painful Braxton Hicks, heartburn and weird hairs/stretchmarks/dark lines appearing on your body randomly. She can't other than having a baby, but you hope anyway! LOL

So I'm resolving to just try to enjoy having Timmy all to myself right now. I'm making him a bright quilt and Connor's memory quilt will need to get finished up now that I bought the backing and batting. I also ordered Timmy his bunting and warm car seat cover so he isn't the original newborn popsicle when winter hits in a few weeks. I love washing and folding all these sweet little baby clothes...makes me long to hold him on the outside!

I think Timmy might be a touch more mellow than Connor...he moves around a lot less and less aggressively than Connor ever did. Connor used to stretch and wiggle for hours and Timmy seems to be pretty content to just get comfy and settle in. He's hiccuping like mad a lot though, poor guy. I can tell he hates it when I lay on my right side because he prefers the left and the turning over makes him shift to a less comfortable position. I get my ribs kicked for moving on him.

I really wonder if he's going to go as late as Connor did...he might, but I've got some signs that things might go a little sooner with him than they did with Connor. Things that didn't happen until a few weeks from this point last time. We'll see! I have no idea what I would do if he did come before his due date because I'm booked up through then!

I need to go tackle cleaning up and getting Connor dressed and fed...I made a playdate for him this morning, completely forgetting that I was hosting a La Leche League meeting this morning, so I've got to walk over to Alyssa's and beg off today. I was really looking forward to it too. Sigh. Oh well, hopefully the weather will stay good tomorrow and we can do the park and walking tomorrow with our little ones. Okay, enough rambling! Gotta go!


Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! What are you talking about? The ninth month is the most magical of all....totally kidding...well hugs for you! Email me!!!!

dillyweed said...

so you're expecting again? how exciting! congrats and get ready for another fun ride through motherhood! ;)