Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, my posts have been rather doom and gloom lately...literally, with the flooding in the basement and the non stop rain! (And yes, it is STILL raining.)

So I thought I would do a "isn't my son Connor so cute" post just to remind me to be in a good mood...after all, we're only a few weeks away from adding yet another cutie to the family!

Some Connor sayings with translations:
- Melmo! (Elmo, from Sesame Street)

- Dat's bunny! (That's funny!)

- Men, men, manwee men ah-ahhhh! (The theme song from Two and Half Men...and his pitch ain't half bad!)

- See-see Steet! (Sesame Street)

- RAWERRRRR!!! (in response to what bears and lions say)

- B...A...B...Y...Babee! (Yes, he can spell)

- D...A...D...Y...Daddeee! (Okay so not well, but he CAN spell)

- Fredey, da titty! (Friday the kitty -- Friday is emphatically Connor's cat. They sleep curled around each other every night and Friday puts up with all kinds of Connor loving)

- Baff, I...want...a...baff...peez! (pauses and all, we were prompting him to use his sentences to ask for things and now the pauses are essential in his mind)

- I...nee...a...huck...peez. (I need a hug please. This one melts mommy every time)

- I am sad, daddy! (Notice this says daddy...that worked to melt mommy til she realized it worked too well, so now Connor reserves that one for daddy because mommy just says, "I'm sorry you're sad, but that doesn't mean you get out of time out for painting peanut butter on the sheets")

- No, no want! (in response to anything we do not deem essential...like naps, face cleaning or vegetables)

He's been doing a ton of cute things too...he gets the room set up for nap and nights and we have to go in a specific order. First the overhead light goes off, then the bedside light goes on, then the fan, then we close the drapes and say nigh-night to our toys with kisses before picking our books for reading time. As we go up the stairs, mommy or daddy HAVE to pat his bum and sing the bum bum song...it's requested rather imperiously if we neglect this sacred duty. He puts his clothes in the hamper and LOVES to put things in the trash, which is great because mommy can't bend over easily to pick things up anymore. He can get up in his snazzy new car seat all by himself and will sometimes even put the straps over his own shoulders, which makes him grin each time. He's getting very verbal and loves to talk about the things he sees with his "smart eyes" as we drive in the car...mommy is never allowed to pass a bus, truck or e-e'er (excavator) without some minute description of big vs small, colors and how fast it's going. If there's a moose within a mile he can spot it too...though it's amusing to see what an Alaska kid he is, since he's been calling cows "moose" in his books. Since it's been six months since he's seen a cow and seven hours since he saw a moose, I guess it's only natural! We also know who will be civil air patrol in case of another World War, because this kid can spot a plane 15 miles away through thick fog.

Connor loves the Small But Mighty bear t shirt Nana sent to him and would wear it every day if mommy and the health department would let him. His other favorite clothes include his helicopter shirt, his airplane shirt and his striped tee shirts in blue and green (orange stripes are just barely tolerated). He's outgrowing his Gerber pajama sets Grandma got him but we're having a difficult time letting them go...so his pants are up to his calves and the sleeves are 3/4 length when we can't convince him to wear his new pair from Old Navy. We're dreading the winter...he hasn't had to wear a hat for three months and mittens for four and we don't take to change well in Connor's world. He passionately hates new clothes or shoes until forced into them and then he becomes devoted to them too.

Connor is so sweet tempered we're hoping it lasts through his threes at the least. He believes in sharing to the point of forcible sharing, plying his little friends with toys whether they want them or not. When someone gets hurt, he cries for them or offers "hucks" and "tisses" for them to feel better. The kid unerringly went to the one troop in Charlie's office who adamantly does not want children and asked her pick him up and he offered her a "tiss" gravely. She took it and admitted that he didn't constitute reason #437 for not having them. LOL He's super sweet and compliant about almost everything until you hit one of his streaks of stubborn and they're a mile wide and granite hard. Potty training is one streak and certain foods are another. But that's a whole other Connor post for other days! :-)

He has a few annoying things too, but they're almost cute in their annoyances. He refuses to leave a door open if he can help it so we're constantly sending him back upstairs to free a trapped kitty cat. He's been imitating Cookie Monster while eating lately so we've been fussing at him about his bad Cookie Monster habits...the cheerios end up scattered everywhere and it sounds rude. Every night it takes him an hour to wind down because we have to count to 20 multiple times, say our ABCs several times and talk about different animals, colors and things that happened during the day. Mommy and daddy are desperate for alone time, but we hate to squelch him too so he's been up a little too late at night lately.

Okay, I have lots more but no more typing time. Need to go love on the cutie before hustling him out to the veggie pick up. Hope you enjoyed too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that post....what a cutie! How are you feeling?