Friday, August 1, 2008

Noah's Flood, Alaska Style

It's been raining for weeks here in the Interior, but this past week has been amazing as far as volume that has fallen...I think I read that over a 1/3 of our annual precipitation fell in two days? We have two major rivers in the area -- the Tenana and the Chena -- and both are well above flood stage. Poor Salcha, just a few miles south of Eielson AFB, took the first hits...Charlie has a troop that couldn't get to her house down there from flooding starting on Tuesday. And then Fairbanks took the brunt of the rain and now 1000 people have been evacuated -- the mayor declared the borough a disaster area and is asking the government to do the same so people can get some help.

I can't believe this rain! We're fine here even though Moose Lake is right in our backyard, though the usual moose paths around the lake are underwater. So far we don't seem to be in any danger of water in the basement or anything, but I check carefully several times a day just in case water starts collecting against the house. Poor Connor has been housebound for days, though we have escaped to the indoor playground several times. If it was just sprinkling, no problem -- but when I say rain, I'm talking about cats and dogs, can't see your hand in front of your face, puddles the size of small ponds rain. Toddlers don't like driving rain. Go figure. Mommies don't much care for it either!

I'm supposed to go downtown today for an appt, but I read that the place I'm going is cut off from the main town and when I try calling no one is answering, so I'm guessing there's no point in heading down there.

I hope everyone comes through this Old Testament deluge okay, with loved ones intact and salvageable possessions.


Jen said...

Erin, I live in ark-building country, so I've seen my share of nasty storms (some part of western WA floods every year, and I can think of at least two times in the past 5 years we've been declared state of emergency) - and I know how crazy and scary it can be. Lots of love and prayers headed your way, and you can bet I'll be hanging around for an update.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Sorry to hear that but love reading another post courtesy of your witty me!