Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Want to know what cabin fever looks like?

The temp is currently this:

And Connor doesn't think much of being cooped up inside. We have no clothes for children at this temp for the very good reason that no one thinks that you're crazy enough to take children outside in these temps. Well, you go a little stir crazy being cooped up for so long...ummm, right, Connor?

Cross dressing takes up a little time...

Oh no, Timmy's trying to swallow his fist out of boredom! Oh wait, that's just a regular Tuesday!

And the cabin fever spreads to the adults...

Since the forecast calls for -60 and below this weekend, we'll have many more opportunities to find out just how wacky we all can get. If you hear something about naked people running through subarctic streets waving asparagus, that was NOT US!

1 comment:

Jen said...

There are few people whose sense of humor I enjoy as much as yours.

We had a rare ice storm pass through Seattle a little over two weeks ago (18 degree averages). Everything here is hill or mountain (or some other type of incline) and the snow is more ice than powder so no one goes out when we have the random day or two of snow in these parts. Unfortunately, this year's stint lasted 15 days solid, and we were definitely "cabin fevered" out by the end of it.

Glad you're all staying warm and stocked up on asparagus!