Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cold snap, Alaska-style

Alaska is a formidable place. As my girlfriend Breanne says, "People were NOT meant to live here." We've descended into a real winter wonderland nightmare this week with the temperatures plunging down to -40 and below and likely to stay there for several weeks. These kind of temps are just PAINFUL. Both literally and figuratively. Can you go out in it? Umm yeah. Should you? Ummm, no.

Especially when you've got small children. Unfortunately, small children are also the primary sufferers of cabin fever. Connor is extremely active -- during the summer we did not come indoors ever if we could help it -- and staying inside all day every day is not his idea of fun filled toddler days. No matter how nicely we kit out the basement (and it is pretty gucci if I say myself) eventually he will get bored and need some variety. But businesses and such close at these temps and even scuttling place to place takes a toll on a three month old. Sigh.

Think of us all trapped inside by a vicious toothy cold...

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