Friday, October 24, 2008

Reason #637 Alaska ain't so bad

Because THIS is something you won't see here.

This is a pic I received in my email of a giant golden orb weaver spider in Australia eating a bird. Yes, a BIRD. That, my friends, is a bad ass spider. The type of spider that would be guaranteed to have some atrociously bad B movie starring John Goodman or Steve Guttenberg developed around it, the kind that would cause me to run shrieking in dog whistle-pitched manner if it were within a mile of me.

We get some spiders of course but most are smaller than your pinky nail and never seem ambitious enough to attack wildlife. We also have no snakes up here, which ranks second behind giant bird eating spiders on my list of "slithery creepy things the world could do without" list. Nine months of winter is almost worth the promise that I will never see a bird being munched by something that should only feature as a smear on my shoe.


Anonymous said...

ya...I was watering my garden and found a baby rattler...when the firemen came out to take it away they informed me the babies are worse than the adults because they don't know how to control their venom so they go hog wild...nice huh? I was wearing sandals when I found times

Jen said...

Holy cow, just the picture of that spider was enough to make me shudder.

This is also one of the many reasons I love Seattle - the most menacing creature we get on this side of the mountains are slugs.