Saturday, September 6, 2008

No baby yet!

I love my friends. Really, compared to many people, they've been remarkably good about not asking me six bizillion times daily whether Timmy has appeared. I appreciate that, because I am uncomfortable and impatient enough! Does anyone really think I won't be dancing outside with fresh baby in my arms screaming to the cosmos that he actually decided to be born?

But no, no baby yet. Which is okay. Not wonderful, I would definitely like to be cuddling all three of my boys in bed right now, but I can put up with a few extra days if it means the next atomic superman will make his debut as fully ready as we want him to be. I'm sore. I'm tired. Connor's got a minor sniffle that is just annoying enough to have him coughing and sniffing in my hair and up a lot at night. I've got a hitch in my gitalong that makes it darn uncomfortable to get up five times at night to go to the bathroom. But hey, as I've said many times, you have to really hate late pregnancy or labor wouldn't sound so good.

We got our birth tub on Thursday. Nice and big and I'm excited about trying it. Connor's excited because the temperature gauge is a floating duck. It's a luxury to rent it ($25 plus hose and accessories - no, Jen, not a typo LOL...I thought it was a good deal too!), but our base house tubs look like coffins...narrow and fill with about a tsp of water...not exactly what I want to labor in! The tub is pretty big but Charlie thinks it will fit fine in our bedroom so I can get straight into bed if I like afterward without climbing stairs. When we're out today we need to get a couple things for it and we'll be good to go!

Hopefully by next week we'll have some "Ta da!" Timmy pics to show off. In the meantime you'll just have to read my complaints and whatnot! Here's Connor's new favorite song/video for your viewing pleasure. I warn you, if you're not 2.5 or high, you may think it...aheam...a little strange.


Anonymous said...

Do you know what my mom kept telling me when Abbey was like two weeks late and I was done being pregnant 6 weeks earlier? "Well AMy, the good news is no one ever stayed pregnant forever"...thanks mom....hugs to you...hope you get comfy soon

Jen said...

OK, that video was hilarious - I laughed throughout... although at about 45 seconds in I started to feel a little creeped out by that cat's eyes...

So glad about your birth tub! You'll have to post pics when it's all set up and ready to go. And was $25 really the renting price, or was that a typo? Because that seems like a pretty incredible deal...

Sending you lots of hugs and labor vibes.