Friday, September 26, 2008

Barb to the rescue

My mother in law rocks. Yesterday I had an extremely stressful day, eventually culminating in a late postpartum hemorrhage. I'm a bleeder apparently, and I made things worse by pushing myself much much too hard after Timmy was born. My mom left Monday and I mistakenly thought I was Supergirl and returned to my usual hectic routine. Guess what that does? Oh yeah, it makes you bleed til you're woozy and look like a Somali refugee. The meds I'm taking to try to stem the problem make me feel pretty badly, and I'm a little weak and worn out as it is, so I quickly realized over the course of last night I needed some help pronto. Charlie's doing the best he can, but Red Flag starts next week and he's a key player, so his ability to nurture me and the boys and take care of house stuff is limited.

After much hesitation and guilt, I called my MIL Barb and asked if she could come early (she was coming in three weeks) and stay for awhile to help. The cost and the stress of the travel is formidable, this I know, but I'm very lucky that she said yes. My own mom can't be here and Barb is wonderful to do some mothering for me. I'm even luckier that she got a flight for tomorrow (though I'm not sure if she's on an airplane or a white horse!). She's staying for a whole month. Woo hoo! I'm so relieved...I'm so tired and ill and frustrated, I can't wait til she gets here. Connor will love it too...this will be his first concentrated grandma time in nine months and he's going to probably try to break her will to live. :-)

I'm very tired and hurting again, and the baby needs some tummy help so I better go. Yay for MILs!


Jen said...

I'm so glad you've got some help! I assume she's there now, and that you're getting some much needed rest? You're in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

YAY BARB!!! I hope you are starting to feel better. Hugs from Cali!