Monday, June 23, 2008

I think I'm in love with my chiropractor

I got an appt for this afternoon with Ridgeview Chiropractic. I've been making chiro appts and canceling them at the last minute because I've been so leery of getting to the hands of some witch doctor or spine cracking malevolent twit with a degree from Cuba. Besides, I was afraid he might hurt Timmy somehow, but my pelvic pain was so bad I couldn't stand it anymore and was ready to risk a very little bit to see if all my chiro-loving friends had a point.

I am definitely liking Ridgeview Chiropractic just from first impressions...their staff is nice, it's a nice location off Chena Pump Rd that doesn't look like Fairbanks ghetto or igloo-turned-into-mobile-home like so many places, they were able to get me in quickly and the best part...?

Dr. Todd Lovell is amazing. He's my new personal god. He laid me down, took a look, felt some alignment stuff, and said my right leg was 3/4-1 inch shorter than my left and I had an S shape curve to my body through my belly and up to my shoulder. He had me roll over to each side, did some pretty funky straddling and gentle pushes, and oh my gosh...the relief was, for lack of a better description, euphoric. I heard my pelvis pop loudly and felt a sharp click and was actually able to stand up and walk without wincing or looking like Tick Tock from the Oz sequel. That was the first time I've been pain free in weeks!

He had me stand up and walk around, did some more neck stuff (lots of Rice Krispie action, but oddly satisfying) and said he needs me to come back 2-3 times in quick succession, then once every few weeks until baby comes, then he'll see us together after Timmy's born. He adjusted his own children immediately after birth, and says he's seen it help many issues. Cha-ching! I would love for Timmy to feel good right from the start, because I think there's times Connor did not. He hated lying on his left side for three months or more, which is probably an alignment issue of some sort.

I told him how disappointed I was in just being handed flexeril and motrin for back spasms and now this pelvic pain was beyond the pale, and he was my last resort. A doctor at Ft Wainwright told me the only fix was having a baby, but that if it was bad enough I'd have to have a c section and a subsequent surgery to repair my pelvis and hernia! Dr. Todd shook his head, and we moved on to just plain wellness issues. He explained some about the relief vs recovery phase, and what he aimed to do for the next few appts and I sashayed my way out of there feeling about 6000% better than when I walked in.

I'm still feeling REALLY good, though honestly I feel a little funny not tipping side to side in an awkward waddle and my tailbone feels strange; not painful, but strange, almost like it is a funny bone and I hit it. He said it might feel strange until the immediate adjustment period was complete (within 2 weeks I'm guessin), but that I should have good relief for a couple days at least from this initial one. The next adjustment is free, he gave me coupons to hand out willy-nilly (free adjustments for all my friends!) and he has a military discount! Is it any wonder I'm in love with the man??

I'm just sad military insurance doesn't pay for it. But with a military discount and how good I feel, I think this is one splurge I am justified in making. Charlie took me out to celebrate my pain-free pelvis, and we drank a solemn toast to chiros everywhere and Dr. Todd in particular. Drop by if you get a won't be sorry.


Anonymous said...

okay chiken lickin...I mailed the pkg to your addy with the scrapbook and it has returned to me...shall we try again?

Erin Freel said...

Ahhh! What's your email? I don't have it anymore since I've been erased from the playgroup!!