Sunday, June 22, 2008

Connor accomplishments

I realized I finished the blog entry today and didn't get to brag about Connor...he is doing amazingly well with his learning! We have been casually counting for years with him, but he's able now to count all the way to 20 (though we're still trying to convince him 3 is not optional), and actually count objects up to 10. He's also doing an incredible job of his alphabet, though after F or G he just starts saying his favorite letters til he gets to W, X, Y and Z. He ALSO is reading four different words, and now that he's interested, we're working on teaching him more -- he's even starting to try to sound out a few.

Connor still prefers signs to talking, but can string sentences together with a little prompting. Definitely not a very verbal kid, but obviously pretty bright. He gets his point across very well with his Connor-patois of signs and words. He cracks us up when he asks for "nools, nools, nools" (noodles), and eleven is actually "Llewelyn" in true Welsh style.

So there's my brag...feel free to smack me, but I'm bursting with pride.

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